2020 Catskills Chapter Picnic
Trip Information
Location: Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum in Livingston Manor / Roscoe, NY Date: May 30th Picnic begins at 12:00 noon. Trip Coordinator: Paul Reithmeier (paulr21@optonline.net) 973-907-0093 To Attend this trip: Email or call trip coordinator ASAP. River(s)/Stream(s): Beaverkill / Willowemoc Meeting Location: This year our annual Picnic will return to the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum. Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum 1031 Old Route 17 Livingston Manor, NY 12758 Quarry: Mostly Brown Trout, with a few wild Brookies and Rainbows River Access: Wading Degree of Difficulty: Varies depending on area and pool. Suggested Equipment: 9 foot, 5 weight, leaders vary depending on dries/wet/nymphs. 9-12 foot leader 4x-6x. Tippet-what you are comfortable with. State / Local Requirements: NYS fishing license. Recommended Fly Patterns: Adams, Catskill style dry flies. Mayflys, Caddis and Stonefly patterns per hatch chart. Various streamers. HATCH CHART BEAVERKILL MAPS WILLOWEMOC MAPS Nearby Fly Shops: Dette Trout Flies 68 Cottage Street Roscoe NY 12776 Telephone - (607) 498-4991 https://www.detteflies.com/ Beaverkill Angler 4 Stewart Avenue Roscoe, NY 12776 Telephone - (607)-498 5194 http://beaverkillangler.com/index.html Catskill Flies Stewart Avenue Roscoe, New York 12776 Telephone - (607)-498-6146 http://www.catskillflies.com/ Accommodations: Again this year at the Museum, for those members that are interested, we are planning to rent the bunkhouses for both Friday and Saturday nights. This provides the opportunity for our members to fish the Willowemoc or the Beaverkill rivers on Friday, Saturday and Sunday before driving home. The start of June is a great time to be up in the Catskills to fish. There are 2 bunkhouses and each sleeps 11. The cost per bunkhouse is $240 per night, so if we have 10 sleeping over for 2 nights, the cost will be $24 per night, per person or $48 per person for the 2 nights. People who are interested in staying at the bunkhouse need to let Paul know so he can make plans. Paul will be collecting a $50.00 deposit for anyone that is interested in sleeping at the bunkhouses. When he has the final count on how many people are coming Paul will know the exact amount each person owes. Meals: We are planning to have hot dogs and hamburgers and a pig roast for the chapter picnic on Saturday. We will have coffee & danish in the morning, at lunch we'll have the burgers and dogs, baked beans, cole slaw, cold water and soda. The price of the picnic is free to EJTU members and their families as well as members of any other TU chapter. Everyone is on their own for all other meals on Friday and Sunday. Nearby restaurants include Raimondo's (Italian), The Roscoe Diner (Lunch or Dinner), The Rockland House (Lunch or Dinner). Directions can be found online. Miscellaneous: As in previous years those attending the trip should have free access to the The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum. The museum's hours and current exhibits can be found online here. The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum |